Import Instructions for Use Synergy Solutions, Inc. 1. Overview Import is a companion to ListMaker. The purpose of Import is to take To Do List items and put them into ListMaker's database. The interface is as simple as its function. Import provides two popup lists from which you choose the To Do List category to copy items from and the ListMaker category to put the items into. There are three checkboxes, two are to choose which view of the ListMaker category to put the items into, and the other is to tell Import whether or not it should delete the items from the To Do List database. Once these choices have been set, you simply tap the Import button and the items will be moved to ListMaker. There are two things to take note of now: First, you must have ListMaker installed on your Pilot and you must have run ListMaker at least once before you use Import. The reason is that ListMaker needs to create its database before Import can put anything into it. Second, Import does not protect against importing the same To Do List items more than once. So be careful about that! 2. Choosing Categories You have to tell Import what categories to copy to and from. When you run Import you will see a label that reads "To Do List" and under it a trigger to a popup list that reads "Choose." Tap on the trigger and it will show a list of all of your To Do List categories. Tap on a category (note that All is included in the list) to choose it. Do the same for the ListMaker category. Import will not let you copy items unless you have chosen categories for both To Do List and ListMaker. 3. View ListMaker has two "views" that contain list items: List View and Common View,. List View is the view you are presented with when you first run ListMaker. Common View is what you see when you tap the "Common..." button from the list view. Import asks you to choose which view you would like to transfer the To Do List items into. Simply tap on the checkbox to choose the view. Please see the ListMaker manual for more details on views. 4. Delete Check off the "Delete To Do Item(s)" checkbox if you would like to delete the items after you have copied them to the ListMaker database. 5. Multiple Imports Again, Import does not prevent you from adding the same To Do List items to the ListMaker database more than once. It is possible to add the same items from To Do List's Unfiled category to ListMaker's Misc list hundreds of times. Don't do this unless you really want to. Remember that ListMaker will eventually detect these duplicate records and delete them but you have to tap on and off of them first. 6. Conclusion That's all for Import. If you have any questions about Import or any other Synergy Solutions products, please send email to To report bugs send email to To get help email Thank you for using Import.